Scroll back up to the top of the default programs list and highlight Internet Explorer and select Set this program as default. In the Programs list, select Microsoft Outlook > Set this program as default. In the Reset Internet Explorer Settings window, select Delete personal settings > Reset. If you're not a member and need help creating or installing your HTML email signature, consider joining Email Signature Rescue for assistance.If you are using Windows 10, Windows 8.1 or Windows 8, proceed to method 2. If you're a member of Email Signature Rescue, you can submit a ticket to our friendly support team through your member account using the red help button. If you're having issues with our installer app setting up your signature for you within Outlook for macOS, please click the Help button within the app and submit your feedback. I'm experiencing issues with the ESR Signature Installer App If your signature was correctly copied, this will ensure your signature remains the same as it is in the destination you're copying it from. If you've pasted your email signature and it isn't displaying correctly, click the Clipboard icon and change it to Keep Source Formatting.
My email signature isn't displaying correctly If you're experiencing any issues installing your email signature within Outlook for macOS, you'll likely be able to find a resolution here. If you run into any issues during your HTML email signature installation in Outlook for macOS, please see the Troubleshooting FAQ before contacting support through your member account. The Basic Guide is a simple installation which requires you to copy your email signature from your web browser and pasting it into your Outlook for macOS email client with the source formatting. If you have a html signature file then you can follow the Basic Guide if desired.

The bonus of using the signature installer app is that it features auto-update functionality and will automatically update your signature in your email client whenever changes are made to it via Email Signature Rescue, preventing the need to re-install.

You should use our signature installer app as it makes the installation process simple and prevents user error during install. If you're an Email Signature Rescue member, you will have a signature key and a HTML email signature file. Signature Installer App for macOS (Recommended) Which installation option should I choose? You need to have either your email signature key or your HTML signature file available.